Friday, December 16, 2011

Update - It's Been a While

Wow Time Really Flies.

I have had alot of changes over the past few months so needless to say I haven't been updating the blog as much as I would like to, but I have exciting news to share. First of all, I have recently started graduate school and am pursuing a master's degree in religion and biblical studies from Liberty University. It has proven to be very challenging and rewarding at the same time. I just finished my first semester yesterday so I have a few weeks of vacation before its back to school again.

Secondly, my third book is ready for order!! I'm Saved...Now What - Discovering the Keys to Abundant Living is my first work of fiction and I am very excited about it. Take a minute to read the synopsis below and  I look forward to your thoughts once you read it:

Have you ever wondered how to get the promises contained in the Word of God operating in your life? Are you tired of settling for mediocrity and longing for a deeper understanding of the benefits of salvation? In the two part book, I’m Saved Now What? - Discovering the keys to Abundant Living, you’ll learn a step by step process to living a life beyond limits. Using a fictional story in part one backed by clear, concise biblical principles in part two, this book will show you how to tap into the bountiful blessings of God. Meet Mikayla Daniels; a beautiful, ambitious, yet self indulgent borderline narcissistic woman. Growing up as an only child, her parents gave her the best of everything. Following her mother’s advice, she made sure she was appealing on the outside, yet she paid little attention to cultivating the inside. Plagued by a dark past, Mikayla finds God and commits to living a new life in Christ. Soon she discovers that salvation alone isn’t a magic cure all for her problems. Mikayla will have to come full circle with her past and face the uncertainty of her future. Will she give in to temptation and the sin of her past or will she trust God with her life? Immerse yourself in her story and learn from her mistakes as well as her triumphs. If committed to the journey, you’ll discover the keys to an abundant purpose filled life.

 God has truly been blessing me and I am grateful for every opportunity He has given me to share my gifts and talents with others in hopes to encourage and uplift and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. To all of you who have ever read any of my blog posts, I pray that you were blessed by something and I hope that 2012 brings you everything that you have been praying for. Until next time....

M.H. Wesley

Monday, September 19, 2011

Out of the mouth of Babes

A few days ago I was watching one of my favorite preachers on television and my four year old son came and sat beside me. The message was very powerful because the preacher was talking about taking authority over the enemy and using the dominion that God has always intended for us to have. As we were watching the message, my four year old tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Mommy, you have dominion!" I was surprised for a moment, but then the Spirit of the Lord reminded me of Psalm 8:2 which reads, "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." I didn't even realize my son was paying attention, but clearly he embraced the crux of the message the preacher was trying to convey.

As I meditated on what took place, my mind immediately shifted to the pondering question of why we as adults find it so difficult to take the word of God and boldly declare it as my four year old son had done. He didn't ask me if I had dominion, when I was going to get dominion or if I felt like I had dominion. Instead he used his authority and declared that dominion was mine. What resonated most for me was the fact that my son had not been corrupted by this world's system of thinking. His mind is still pure and he believed what he heard to be true.

Now, more than ever it is time for us as Christians to exercise our child like faith again.We need to get into the word and find scriptures that relate to what we are going through and declare and decree that what God has promised will manifest in our lives. We need to stop asking God so many questions like why and when and we need to flee from rationalization. Most importantly we must believe that the Word of God is true! My four year old taught me a valuable lesson about using my authority and the power of my tongue. He heard something and immediately spoke it into existence. He didn't wait to see if it was feasible or likely; He just opened his mouth and declared it! What would happen in your life if you started to do the same? What signs and wonders would take place if we all used the same authority that my four year old did? It's time for us to stop sitting back and letting the enemy run all over us. He's trying to invade our minds, get into our finances and attack our physical bodies, but he is already defeated. We can no longer be passive Christians and allow the enemy to wreak havoc in our lives. It's time to take back everything the enemy has stolen from us and declare that what the enemy meant for evil, God will turn it around for our good. So in the words of my four year old, "You have DOMINION!!" What are you going to do with it?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Book Trailer- Beyond the Veil

Hope you enjoy the trailer for my latest book Beyond The Veil. It is my hope that you will take the time to grow in your walk with God and discover His divine purpose for your life!! Be Blessed!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Race to the Finish

I woke up in the middle of the night with this particular phrase on my mind: Life is not a sprint, it's a marathon. I pondered on this God given revelation for quite sometime and I began to apply it to the many facets of my life. I realized that by looking at life like a marathon, the odds of victory are way more likely than the methods of a sprint mentality.

Do you remember when all the kids in your neighborhood would line up to race to the stop sign or some other short destination? Everyone would watch each other as their opponent was preparing to run. The anticipation mounted as someone shouted the words, ready set go! Each sprinter would take off and in the blink of an eye, the race would be over. The winner would do a celebratory dance and then everyone would go on to the next adventure like nothing had happened.

In a marathon, however, there has to be alot of preparation before you can even take on a feat of a ten or twenty mile run. Many factors are involved in whether or not the race will end in success. Dehydration and fatigue can become hindrances in the race. The runner has to make sure they keep a steady pace or they may find themselves running out of gas at some point during the race. Marathon runners have to take into account the hills they may have to climb as well as the areas designated for pit stops and water breaks. Once the race is finished, the runner has a since of accomplishment that lasts a lifetime because they completed a task that some would consider to be impossible.

Discipline, determination and the will to persevere are qualities that separate sprinters from marathon runners. In life, we have to realize that we can't look for those quick thrills that come from worldly ideals and fleeting success. It is so much more gratifying to enjoy the marathon of life and all of the lessons that come with the journey.

The race of life is won by enduring to the the end. When we recognize that the pitfalls and moments of uncertainty are only a part of the journey, we will be more apt to persevere through them. Have you prepared yourself for the marathon or do you see life as a spontaneous sprint to the finish? It takes careful planning and a strategic mindset to successfully navigate through life. I've learned that the key to success is to press through the moments where I feel so tired I can hardly move. I make a conscious effort to take advantage of the pit stops in life by building on my relationship with God and staying connected to Him. Every stage of this marathon called life is different. There will be moments where you are full of energy and zeal and everything is going smoothly. Then there will come a time when you have to slow down and reevaluate the terrain you are traveling down.

Most importantly the key to success in the race of life is to remember that you are not in it alone. Hebrews 12:1 reminds us that we have to run our race with patience and look unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. I'm determined to cross the finish line and hear my Savior say,  "Well Done thy good and faithful servant"!! I encourage you to do the same. Stay your course, navigate the marathon of life and Finish your race!! 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Letting Go of Past Hurts

I am honored that The Christian Online Magazine chose my article Letting Go of Past Hurts to be a part of their July Issue. Forgiveness is sometimes very difficult but it can be done with God's help. Besides, we have Jesus Christ as our ultimate example. Take a moment to click on the link and read my latest article. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Personal Testimony

Hello Everyone,
As I begin to reflect on all the things that I have been through over the past year, I felt it very befitting to share some of my testimony with those of you who follow my blog. What better way to broadcast it than through youtube. I hope you will be uplifted and encouraged by my struggles and triumphs. Please take the time to reflect on your own life and where you were this time last year. I'm sure you will have something to thank God for. I know I do! Be blessed and enjoy the video.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Latest Review of Beyond the Veil

Just wanted to share the lastest review of Beyond The Veil from Apex Reviews...received a five star rating!! If you haven't purchased your copy yet, it is available on as well as barnes and noble if you prefer. Thanks in advance for all the support!! Striving for higher heights and with God all things are possible!!

Beyond The Veil: A Meditation In Psalms
M.H. Wesley
ISBN: 9781456573249
Reviewed By Dominique Sessons
Official Apex Reviews Rating: 5 stars

With all the stress, struggles, and challenges confronting us every day, it’s often difficult to maintain an upbeat, positive spirit. Furthermore, given the countless obstacles besetting our paths at every turn, the urge to give up can prove to be a powerful force to overcome. In light of the myriad problems with which we’re forced to contend on a daily basis, how can we usher in the lasting peace that our souls so desperately need...?

Throughout the pages of Beyond The Veil: A Meditation In Psalms, author M.H. Wesley provides the reader with an invaluable guide to doing just that. Bolstered by applicable passages of biblical scripture, Wesley’s insightful guide is a much needed spiritual roadmap to discovering your divine destiny. Rather than cajole her readers with sweet-sounding platitudes or hollow advice, Wesley makes a genuine effort to reveal the universal truths designed to bring us closer to God and embrace the eternal rewards of spiritual surrender. Rife with uplifting honesty and palpable sincerity, Beyond The Veil is a step-by-step everyday guide to living a fuller, more fulfilling life. Highly recommended.

Monday, April 18, 2011

My First book signing!!

I would like to give a special thank you to everyone who attended my first book signing at Sign of the Fish Christian Bookstore!! It was a huge success. I was so honored to be in the midst of such wonderful people who cared enough about me and the work that I am doing that they wanted to come and support. I am so encouraged and uplifted to continue writing and I have even more confidence that I am doing exactly what God has called me to do! I held a drawing for two free movie tickets at the signing and I am proud to announce the winner to be Deacon Anthony Taylor!!! Congratulations and hope you enjoy your movie!! I look forward to many more joyous occassions as this one and I am so excited about what is in store for me as I continue  my journey in writing. My third book is in the works and I will keep you posted on my progress. To God be the glory for all he is doing!! A special thank you to my sister and publicist Sharon Hargett. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. I love you dearly!! Until next time...Be blessed!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Your Best Life...Now!

In today’s society, we are flooded with images of what the perfect woman should look and sound like. We see movie stars on red carpets and it looks like they have the perfect life. We daydream about what it would be like to hear people scream our name. Stardom, however, does not shield you from the obstacles that life brings. No amount of money or fame can help when you lose a loved one or you’re hurt by someone you trust. Material possessions can not comfort you when you are sick or have been betrayed by a friend. None of us are immune to the storms that life can bring.

No matter what your economic or social status, we all are looking for something. We all want to be fulfilled in our lives and have joy. We are all searching for that man, that house, or career that will make us feel like we have arrived. Well after years of trying to use relationships and material possessions for fulfillment, I discovered the key to joy. I learned how to be satisfied with who I am. I learned how to love me despite my flaws. The answer to all of life’s questions can be found when you have a liaison with God. Meeting Christ for the first time is an unexplainable feeling. It is a love that you have never felt.  When you build a relationship with God, you will be introduced to the real you. When you give your life to Christ and let him do the work, he can give you the joy and peace you have been searching for your entire life. You don’t have to wait until you have a better paying job or that killer suit to be fulfilled. With Christ you can have your best life now.

The great thing about God is that he can meet you exactly where you are and he can turn your little into a lot. Whatever body image issues you had won’t matter anymore. When you read the word of God, you will discover that we were all made in his image and he has a plan and purpose for each of us. He has something unique and special that only you can do. God loves us so much that he wants us to have a life full of abundance. He doesn’t want us to walk around wishing we had another life.

Anytime we start to fall into those feelings, we have to remind ourselves that we are a child of God. We are queens and chosen by God to do great things. Instead of being envious of others, we should celebrate our sister’s achievements. Since God is not a respecter of persons, someone else’s success is just an indication that our future success is on the way.

We can enjoy our life right now. It is all about our attitude and our perception of the situations we find ourselves in. Take losing a job for example. While that is a difficult situation, God may be trying to open a new door for you if you stop worrying and put your trust in him. Maybe you put your all into a relationship and despite everything, it still didn’t work. Don’t get depressed and down. Take the opportunity to learn from your past and grow into a better woman for the next relationship. Our attitude will always determine the outcome.

No matter what we are faced with, no matter how high the mountain or how low the valley, we can make it through with Christ. Those superficial things like the length of our hair, our dress size or the complexion of our skin won’t even matter. We are all beautiful and we have something unique to offer this world. I know you’ve heard this time and time again but true beauty comes from the inside. When you clear out all of the negative things in your life and start to show love, you will be surprised at how beautiful you are to other people. Your light will begin to shine brighter than it ever has. Commit to drawing closer to God and asking him for direction and purpose for your life. When you discover the person that God created you to be from the beginning, you will experience your life in a whole new way.  If you submit to God, he will come into your life and change it for the better. Being submissive is a powerful tool, because it allows you to look at yourself for who you really are and it causes you to be humble enough to let God mold you into who he wants you to be. Regardless of where you find yourself at this very moment, with God, you can have your best life……Now!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sun Journal Newspaper Article

I am so excited about my first newspaper article in The Sun Journal! Being able to share my testimony with others is such a blessing. I hope that everyone who reads my story will be uplifted and encouraged to stay in the fight regardless of how difficult the battle may get. We all have our unique purpose in life and I want everyone to walk in their destiny. It doesn't matter what others are doing. What matters is that you fulfill your purpose. God has chosen you for something special. Value your worth and the gifts and talents that you possess. I hope you enjoy the article and please share it with those you know. May God continue to bless you!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Beyond The Veil at an extremely low price!!

Just a quick post to let you know that my second book, Beyond The Veil- A Meditation in Psalms is on sale at for only $8.60! Get your copy today by clicking the link below. Thanks in advance for your support!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Just Believe!

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that things will get better when all you see around you is chaos. We all will face trials and tribulations in our lives, but in those times we have to look at God and not our circumstances. If we keep a positive attitude and trust in God, he will come to us and show us the future he has planned. I had that very thing happen to me when I went through one of the most difficult times in my life. I lost the ability to walk and during that time God showed me what he had in store for me. I couldn’t believe it because all I saw around me was this frail, sickly woman. I kept wondering if what God had shown me was really for me. Then I realized something. God cannot go back on his promises. If he gives you a vision, it will surely come to pass. It was up to me to believe.

Maybe you’ve been holding on to a vision that God gave you years ago. You may feel like it will never come to pass. Today is the day to believe! God gave you those visions so you would have something to hold on to when the storms in life begin to rage. He wants you to keep the faith and let him do the work. God has a purpose and a plan for all of our lives, but we have to continue to let God mold us and shape us so that we will be ready for all he has in store. The longer you go through, the stronger you will be on the other side. God wants to make sure that when he is finished with you, everyone will be able to see that God has done a new thing in you. Don’t get discouraged, just believe.

Some months ago I was reflecting back on some of the things that God has promised me. Some of those promises were beyond my wildest dreams. I started to wonder how all of that could happen to little ole me. I could see clearly what God had in store for me, but the natural side of me started to ask God if all of these blessings were really for me. I went on about my day and later that afternoon there was a knock at my door. I was wondering who it could be.

When I opened the door, it was a familiar face. My cousin had two bags in her hand and a letter. She gave them to me and told me it was a special delivery. I kept wondering what this could be about. She told me that she couldn’t stay, but I needed to read the letter and I would understand.

I opened the letter and I began to read. As I starting reading, I was so amazed at the contents of that letter. By the time I finished the letter I was in complete awe. My cousin had given me several items that said, “BELIEVE.” I just began to thank God. He wanted me to just trust in him because what he promised me was going to come to pass.

The great thing about God is that he will meet us right where we are. If we are struggling with something and we give it over to God, he will give us the strength we need to make it through. God needed to remind me that my attitude would determine when the manifestation of his promises would come. If I started to worry and doubt, God would not be able to operate in my life. If I chose to believe, God would give me everything he promised.

No matter how long you’ve been waiting, no matter how extraordinary the vision, if God gave it to you, it will happen. Don’t focus on what your surroundings look like. Don’t pay attention to those doubters who say that it will never happen for you. Look to God and I promise you, it’s going to come. Your blessing is on the way. Just BELIEVE!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Second book is available!

First of all, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported me over these last few months. I am so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life. After much prayer and studying, my second book Beyond the Veil- A Meditation in Psalms is now available! I believe this book will encourage you to live life in the way that God intended. Oftentimes we wonder what we are supposed to be doing with our lives and which direction we should go in. In Beyond the Veil you will learn key lessons that will help you discover the person that God designed you to be. When you discover the plans that God has for your life, you will experience more peace and joy than you can imagine. The enemy wants you to stay where you are and never attain the good success that the word of God speaks of. If you take the time to forge an intimate relationship with God, you will get the road map to your life's journey. Not only will you obtain the road map, but God will give you everything you need to come out victorious. Order your copy of Beyond the Veil today! You will be blessed.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Quick Update

Just wanted to leave a quick post so you can check out a new segment called firsts. This blog gives readers a sneak peak into the first pages of a book so you can decide whether it is a book you would be interested in buying. My first book, The Job Experience is featured. Please take a moment to read the segment and comment. Click on the link below. Thanks again for all the support. My second book, Beyond the Veil will be available soon. Details to follow! Be blessed

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Progress Report 3

After months of prayer and meditating on God's word, I have completed my second book. I am proud to annouce that it is now available as an e-book on Barnes and Noble and Amazon. The name of the book is entitled: Beyond the Veil- A Meditation in Psalms. Through God's divine inspiration, I believe this book will give you key lessons to grow in your walk with God and obtain the road map you need to follow the path that God designed just for you.  The print version will be available soon so details will follow. Just wanted to give a short update to let you know the progress that has been made.

For all kindle and nook owners, the links are below. Thank you in advance for your support!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Subtle Adversary

This morning I read the 3rd chapter of Genesis which depicts the fall of man. The very first verse really struck home with me when the writer calls the serpent subtle. From the beginning of time, the devil has wreaked havoc on so many lives. The writer however chooses to use the word subtle to describe him! If you continue reading that chapter, you will find that the adversary didn't make Eve eat of the forbidden fruit. He used subtle tactics to coerce her into sin. He only suggested that she eat of the fruit. There was not a moment where the devil had her in bonds where she had no choice. She could have easily walked away, but she decided to stay and listen to his speech.

When Adam and Eve had everything they could have ever wanted or needed, why do you think they threw it all away with the enticement of a piece of fruit? They weren't hungry or in the midst of a famine. There were other trees that had appetizing fruit. How could they let the enemy entice them into giving up everything that God had given them? Eve made the mistake of letting the devil plead his case. When she let him talk to her, she was blinded by his watered down offer of being just like God.

What are you letting the devil tell you today? Don't think the enemy is going to make you do anything. He doesn't have that type of power over you. He will only come with a subtle invitation. Don't let him tell you that God can't bring you out of what you are dealing with. Every time you entertain his suggestions, he strips away more and more of your faith. Stop listening to his lies. You take power over the enemy when you recognize his tactics. There is nothing the devil can do to you unless you let him. Stop letting the devil fool you into having a skewed mentality. The word of God says to obtain the mind of Christ. How do we do that? Recognize that the devil is only as strong as you think he is. Concentrate on what God is trying to tell you instead of the false suggestions of the adversary. Take back your authority over the enemy!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Be an Overcomer in 2011!

Well its another year! 2010 is gone and no matter how good or bad, there is no going back. We can't rewrite history. We can however, face this new year with a spirit of expectancy. I believe that God wants to do something extraordinary this year if we commit to trusting and believing in him. If we look at this year with a fresh perspective, there is no limit to what we can accomplish.

As a new year approaches, alot of us make resolutions. Many of us vow to shed a few pounds before summer or we commit to getting our finances in order. While those resolutions are good, what have you vowed to do about your relationship with God this year? In the middle of the night, I awoke and the word Overcomer was so strong in my mind. I began to ponder on that word, and I realized that being an overcomer is the key to success in this new year.

When you overcome something, you take control of it. You dominant it and rise above the person, place or situation. Sometimes we get complacent with the hand that life has dealt us. We don't have to settle for where we are right now. There is a way out. Let's say you run into a problem with finances in this new year. If you understand your God given authority, you can begin to look at your situation in the spiritual realm. God is the creator of all things. He has the power to change your existence. If you begin to study the word of God as it relates to finances, it will be easier to align your actions with what you believe. Then no matter how much money you have in the bank, you will not operate in worry. Even though your circumstance has not changed right now, you can be sure that you can overcome the attacks of the enemy. You will know that God is a provider and He will not withhold any good thing from you. Psalm 84:11

Always keep the world Overcomer present in your mind. No matter what this year brings, you can face it. If you delve into the word of God and build that relationship with him, you can overcome anything. When you make it through the storms of life, don't forget to share the experience with others. The word says that we overcome by the power of our testimony. When we tell others of how God brought us through adversity, we grow stronger, our light shines brighter and we become more effective witnesses. I will be an Overcomer in 2011. Who will join me?