Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Be an Overcomer in 2011!

Well its another year! 2010 is gone and no matter how good or bad, there is no going back. We can't rewrite history. We can however, face this new year with a spirit of expectancy. I believe that God wants to do something extraordinary this year if we commit to trusting and believing in him. If we look at this year with a fresh perspective, there is no limit to what we can accomplish.

As a new year approaches, alot of us make resolutions. Many of us vow to shed a few pounds before summer or we commit to getting our finances in order. While those resolutions are good, what have you vowed to do about your relationship with God this year? In the middle of the night, I awoke and the word Overcomer was so strong in my mind. I began to ponder on that word, and I realized that being an overcomer is the key to success in this new year.

When you overcome something, you take control of it. You dominant it and rise above the person, place or situation. Sometimes we get complacent with the hand that life has dealt us. We don't have to settle for where we are right now. There is a way out. Let's say you run into a problem with finances in this new year. If you understand your God given authority, you can begin to look at your situation in the spiritual realm. God is the creator of all things. He has the power to change your existence. If you begin to study the word of God as it relates to finances, it will be easier to align your actions with what you believe. Then no matter how much money you have in the bank, you will not operate in worry. Even though your circumstance has not changed right now, you can be sure that you can overcome the attacks of the enemy. You will know that God is a provider and He will not withhold any good thing from you. Psalm 84:11

Always keep the world Overcomer present in your mind. No matter what this year brings, you can face it. If you delve into the word of God and build that relationship with him, you can overcome anything. When you make it through the storms of life, don't forget to share the experience with others. The word says that we overcome by the power of our testimony. When we tell others of how God brought us through adversity, we grow stronger, our light shines brighter and we become more effective witnesses. I will be an Overcomer in 2011. Who will join me?


  1. Margaret, I couldn't agree with you more. It's no coincidence that you speak of being an overcomer. I am trying to overcome my fear of stepping into my destiny. I know what it is and I keep getting confirmation from various sources, but I am holding me back. Whenever I think I've made the decision, fear kicks back in, but I have to keep meditating on the Word - God did not give me a spirit of fear. So yes, I will join you in becoming an overcomer in 2011. Thank you for your inspiring words.

  2. I am glad you were encouraged by the post. This is the year to be who God has called you to be!!
