The word of God is packed full of promises. When you read those promises, you cannot look at your current situation and get frustrated. If God speaks a word into your life or gives you a vision, you have to have confidence that it will come to pass. It doesn't matter where you may find yourself right now, you have to believe that God is able to do exactly what he says. The other morning I began my meditation time reading in the book of Genesis. I came upon the story of Abraham who was blessed and highly favored by God. When God came to Abraham and told him that he would be a father of many nations and he would have a seed, God did not say when it would happen. Abraham and Sarah, his wife, were old in age and in the natural it looked like it would be impossible for them to have children. Even though they believed what God said, they wondered how it would come to pass and eventually they figured they would help God out and Abraham slept with Hagar, their maid, and had a son. Even though they faltered away from where God was trying to take them, God did not go back on his promise. It took many years for them to bear a child, but they continued to believe that God would honor his promise. Sarah bore a son in her old age and Abraham's seed began to grow.
After reading this story, I heard God say that a delay is not a denial. It doesn't matter how long it takes for God's promises to be realized, they will come to pass. It is our responsibility not to try to handle things on our own or try to help God do his job. We have to remain faithful and trust that God knows what is best for us. Sometimes God needs to continue to work on us so that we will be ready to receive the blessing that He has for us. In the development stage, you get to grow closer to God and delve deeper into his word. Don't take that time for granted.
If you take the time to develop your faith walk, you will see that God wants to use you to show the world that He is still a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6) Don't get discouraged by what you see in front of you. Look beyond that and realize that God is just waiting for the right time to pour his abundant favor into your life. Don't quit when the going gets tough. This is the time to pray harder, trust in God more than you ever have, and wait to receive what He has for you. When God blesses you, the time you spent waiting will be worth it. He can do more for you than you can ever do on your own. Be encouraged!
"Don't get discouraged by what you see in front of you"---- just the advice I needed today. Thanks.