Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fasten Your Seatbelt

I grew up in a small rural town so needless to say, I’ve seen my share of unpaved, bumpy roads. Just like the paved roads, these unfinished ones will get you to your destination. The way, however, is not smooth sailing. I used to hate those dirt paths because by the time I reached my destination, I felt like I had been mixed in a blender. The constant up and down motion and shaky drive used to make me so dizzy. I wondered why no one bothered to pave those old dirt roads. The ride would have been so much easier.

We can use that same illustration in our lives today. All of us want to be successful and reach our ultimate destination but sometimes, we want to take the easy way out. We never take the opportunity to learn from and appreciate those bumps in the road. Those side streets and unpaved roads in life are designed to develop us into better people. If we allow them to, they will make us stronger. Each bump in the road of life should be evaluated. When we encounter trials and tribulations, we should ask God what he wants us to learn. We should try to discover what God is trying to tell us from the situations we find ourselves in. If you face trials with a defeatist attitude, you may miss your blessing. All of the difficulties we face in life are just a part of the journey. Every day is not going to be sunshine and roses, but we have to remember that God has given us everything we need to make it through those hardships.

Life can throw us some devastating blows if we are not equipped to handle them. That’s why we have to be certain that we are grounded in the word of God. When trials come and we can reflect on the promises of God, we have the extra push we need to keep moving forward. We’ve all heard the expression, “no pain, no gain.” If we don’t have to work hard to achieve success, oftentimes we will take that success for granted. When you can look at your life now and see all of the things that God has brought you through, you realize that every trial that you went through was worth it. Every tear you cried, every disappointment, every challenge has made you into the person you are today. 

When God chooses you to go through a difficult task, he knows that you have the strength to pass the test. All you have to do is put your trust in him and follow his instructions. Once you come out of the test, God will reward you for your obedience. I thank God for every time he sent me down an unpaved, bumpy road. I’ve learned and grown from each test and trial. All of  the adversity I have faced in life has made me into the woman I am today. You see if we follow the path that God has designed for us and not try to fight where God is trying to take us, we can look back and see that every pitfall in our life has been for our good. So, the next time you have to take a detour and you find yourself on one of those unpaved bumpy roads, just fasten your seatbelt. Let God guide your path and when you reach your destination, those bumps in the road will be worth it!

Scripture for today: I Peter 4:12-13

Monday, December 20, 2010

An Encounter With God

My first experiment with poetry...hope you enjoy it!

I looked up and found myself in a barren place
I cried out for a familiar voice but no one answered
There was no help in sight
I wondered to myself, how did I get here?

In the midst of my despair I heard a voice say
“You were never alone, I’ve been here always”
Who could it be? The voice I hear so clearly
A voice unfamiliar, but comforting in deed

Scared to ask who is behind the voice
To my surprise, I begin to speak
“Who are you? Where did you come from?”
The voice responds and I listened intently
“I am your sovereign King
The one who watches over you when you sleep
Your biggest supporter
Your very best friend”

Oh no! This cannot be
I’ve heard other tales of an encounter with God
I never thought the experience would be mine
How could God speak to me?
I’ve done so much wrong
Hurt so many
Ran so far away from his arms

God said, “I never gave up on you
I’ve always been speaking
But you chose not to hear
Now that you are listening
I can give you a life beyond your dreams”

In that moment it all made sense
I was meeting God for the very first time
All the darkness faded away
And I was experiencing the light
Never again will I run away
The joy I feel can’t be replaced
Today is the day my life has changed
The day I had an encounter with God

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Delay is not a Denial

The word of God is packed full of promises. When you read those promises, you cannot look at your current situation and get frustrated. If God speaks a word into your life or gives you a vision, you have to have confidence that it will come to pass. It doesn't matter where you may find yourself right now, you have to believe that God is able to do exactly what he says. The other morning I began my meditation time reading in the book of Genesis. I came upon the story of Abraham who was blessed and highly favored by God. When God came to Abraham and told him that he would be a father of many nations and he would have a seed, God did not say when it would happen. Abraham and Sarah, his wife, were old in age and in the natural it looked like it would be impossible for them to have children. Even though they believed what God said, they wondered how it would come to pass and eventually they figured they would help God out and Abraham slept with Hagar, their maid, and had a son. Even though they faltered away from where God was trying to take them, God did not go back on his promise. It took many years for them to bear a child, but they continued to believe that God would honor his promise. Sarah bore a son in her old age and Abraham's seed began to grow.

After reading this story, I heard God say that a delay is not a denial. It doesn't matter how long it takes for God's promises to be realized, they will come to pass. It is our responsibility not to try to handle things on our own or try to help God do his job. We have to remain faithful and trust that God knows what is best for us. Sometimes God needs to continue to work on us so that we will be ready to receive the blessing that He has for us. In the development stage, you get to grow closer to God and delve deeper into his word. Don't take that time for granted.

If you take the time to develop your faith walk, you will see that God wants to use you to show the world that He is still a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)  Don't get discouraged by what you see in front of you. Look beyond that and realize that God is just waiting for the right time to pour his abundant favor into your life. Don't quit when the going gets tough. This is the time to pray harder, trust in God more than you ever have, and wait to receive what He has for you. When God blesses you, the time you spent waiting will be worth it. He can do more for you than you can ever do on your own. Be encouraged!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Earth is the Lords

During my meditation time this morning, I read the 24th Psalm which starts off by saying "The Earth is the Lords." I've read this passage of scripture so many times, but today it really hit home for me. If we really get it into our spirit that the Earth and all of its inhabitants belong to God, we should never have any cause to worry. We spend so much time wondering where the state of this world is going. We worry about finances, if our children will be safe and what the future will hold. We have to realize that God is the supreme ruler and He has everything under control. Sometimes we go about life thinking that things happen haphazardly or by chance. God knows exactly where he wants us to be, and if we take the time to listen, we will never have to wonder if we are making the right choices. God will direct our path.

Bad things do happen in life, but we can choose to move forward instead of letting tragedy consume us. Because the Earth is the Lords, we should have confidence that his will is going to be done. If you are a child of God, you are on the winning side. Stop worrying every time you see a news report. Don't listen to the reports that say there won't be enough Social Security in the future. When God gets ready to bless you, the critics can say there is no hope in sight, but God will pour out his abundant blessings in your life.

We have to keep reminding ourselves that we serve the true and living God. He is so powerful that his words brought this entire world into existence. If you think about God like that, how could you ever worry? When you put your trust in God and submit to his will, you can have confidence that your future will be brighter and more blessed than you could ever dream of.

Don't let the enemy deceive you. There is no cause to fear. If you choose Christ, don't worry, you will come out victorious!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Progress Report 2

Over the course of five months I have been working on my second book. I am still amazed at all that God is showing me through my writing. When God gave me the concept for this book I realized that it was an opportunity for me to grow closer to him. You see we can never learn enough about God and his word. Everyday with God is a blessing and its a chance to build a deeper connection with him. That's what this second book is all about. With the state of the world today, we can't rely on material things to give us peace of mind. God never changes and if we take the initiative to listen, He will give us the road map to our life's journey. I finished my second book last week and I am now at the point of going over what I've written to make sure I have properly conveyed the message I want to send. I had originally anticipated the second book to be released by March, but the way things are going, it may be sooner than that. My first book, The Job Experience is doing well and I am so grateful for what God is doing in my life. I enjoy hearing the way the book has inspired and motivated people because that is what my journey was all about. All the adversity I faced was so that I could encourage others to keep trusting in God no matter what obstacles life brings. Keep checking for updates, my next book will be available soon. To God be the Glory!