In today’s society, we are flooded with images of what the perfect woman should look and sound like. We see movie stars on red carpets and it looks like they have the perfect life. We daydream about what it would be like to hear people scream our name. Stardom, however, does not shield you from the obstacles that life brings. No amount of money or fame can help when you lose a loved one or you’re hurt by someone you trust. Material possessions can not comfort you when you are sick or have been betrayed by a friend. None of us are immune to the storms that life can bring.
No matter what your economic or social status, we all are looking for something. We all want to be fulfilled in our lives and have joy. We are all searching for that man, that house, or career that will make us feel like we have arrived. Well after years of trying to use relationships and material possessions for fulfillment, I discovered the key to joy. I learned how to be satisfied with who I am. I learned how to love me despite my flaws. The answer to all of life’s questions can be found when you have a liaison with God. Meeting Christ for the first time is an unexplainable feeling. It is a love that you have never felt. When you build a relationship with God, you will be introduced to the real you. When you give your life to Christ and let him do the work, he can give you the joy and peace you have been searching for your entire life. You don’t have to wait until you have a better paying job or that killer suit to be fulfilled. With Christ you can have your best life now.
The great thing about God is that he can meet you exactly where you are and he can turn your little into a lot. Whatever body image issues you had won’t matter anymore. When you read the word of God, you will discover that we were all made in his image and he has a plan and purpose for each of us. He has something unique and special that only you can do. God loves us so much that he wants us to have a life full of abundance. He doesn’t want us to walk around wishing we had another life.
Anytime we start to fall into those feelings, we have to remind ourselves that we are a child of God. We are queens and chosen by God to do great things. Instead of being envious of others, we should celebrate our sister’s achievements. Since God is not a respecter of persons, someone else’s success is just an indication that our future success is on the way.
We can enjoy our life right now. It is all about our attitude and our perception of the situations we find ourselves in. Take losing a job for example. While that is a difficult situation, God may be trying to open a new door for you if you stop worrying and put your trust in him. Maybe you put your all into a relationship and despite everything, it still didn’t work. Don’t get depressed and down. Take the opportunity to learn from your past and grow into a better woman for the next relationship. Our attitude will always determine the outcome.