I have had alot of changes over the past few months so needless to say I haven't been updating the blog as much as I would like to, but I have exciting news to share. First of all, I have recently started graduate school and am pursuing a master's degree in religion and biblical studies from Liberty University. It has proven to be very challenging and rewarding at the same time. I just finished my first semester yesterday so I have a few weeks of vacation before its back to school again.
Secondly, my third book is ready for order!! I'm Saved...Now What - Discovering the Keys to Abundant Living is my first work of fiction and I am very excited about it. Take a minute to read the synopsis below and I look forward to your thoughts once you read it:
Have you ever wondered how to get the promises contained in the Word of God operating in your life? Are you tired of settling for mediocrity and longing for a deeper understanding of the benefits of salvation? In the two part book, I’m Saved Now What? - Discovering the keys to Abundant Living, you’ll learn a step by step process to living a life beyond limits. Using a fictional story in part one backed by clear, concise biblical principles in part two, this book will show you how to tap into the bountiful blessings of God. Meet Mikayla Daniels; a beautiful, ambitious, yet self indulgent borderline narcissistic woman. Growing up as an only child, her parents gave her the best of everything. Following her mother’s advice, she made sure she was appealing on the outside, yet she paid little attention to cultivating the inside. Plagued by a dark past, Mikayla finds God and commits to living a new life in Christ. Soon she discovers that salvation alone isn’t a magic cure all for her problems. Mikayla will have to come full circle with her past and face the uncertainty of her future. Will she give in to temptation and the sin of her past or will she trust God with her life? Immerse yourself in her story and learn from her mistakes as well as her triumphs. If committed to the journey, you’ll discover the keys to an abundant purpose filled life.
To order your copy, click here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=I%27m+Saved..Now+What+-+Discovering+the+keys+to+abundant+living&x=10&y=19
God has truly been blessing me and I am grateful for every opportunity He has given me to share my gifts and talents with others in hopes to encourage and uplift and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. To all of you who have ever read any of my blog posts, I pray that you were blessed by something and I hope that 2012 brings you everything that you have been praying for. Until next time....
M.H. Wesley